Currently in the Twin Cities — November 13, 2023: An unusually mild week

Plus, the most customizable weather service in the world.

The weather, currently.

An unusually mild week

Brace for an unusually mild week. November is already running 1-2 degrees above normal and this week will only amplify those anomalies.

Highs will be in the 50s to even low 60s across southern Minnesota midweek. Those readings are a staggering 20 to 25 degrees above normal.

In looking at recent climate trends, November stands out as a month where the vast majority of Novembers in the recent couple of decades have been warmer than normal. While September and October had beneficial, above normal precipitation, the pattern looks dry in the near term 7 to 10 days.

What you need to know, currently.

The new Currently Weather Service is designed to be a complete re-imagination of what a weather service can be in the era of climate change.

It’s the most interactive and customizable digital weather service I’ve ever personally encountered.

The launch version of the weather service is just the beginning. We want to continually improve this service in direct response to what people actually need and how people are using it. And that’s where you come in.

Could you take this two-minute survey right now to help us understand what your dream weather service would be like? (A few of you may have already received a link to the survey.)

This survey will be part of the baseline data we’ll use to build the weather service around the community’s needs and make sure it’s something people love to use.

For us, this launch is at the heart and soul of what we want to do and what we stand for: timely, accurate and easy to understand weather information for everyone, everywhere.

I’m so thankful to be taking this journey with you. More soon!

What you can do, currently.

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